Donate your used camping, cooking, sports, and other outdoor gear to us and clean out your closets and garages. We will either use your donation, or sell it, and use the proceeds from the sale to buy new gear and replace our outdated gear. We are also taking old Scouting uniforms and memorabilia.
Please bring you donations to 303 Central Ave N, March 31st and April 1st for us to collect. Come back April 21st and 22nd to buy upgraded gear for your summer season. 9-4 both days both weekends.
We appreciate your donation and shopping!
Date and Time
Friday Mar 31, 2023 Saturday Apr 1, 2023
Please bring you donations to 303 Central Ave N, March 31st and April 1st for us to collect. Come back April 21st and 22nd to buy upgraded gear for your summer season. 9-4 both days both weekends.
303 Central Ave N, Faribault MN 55021