Non-Profit Organizations
About Us
Rotary is an international service organization that seeks to provide humanitarian service. Rotary international?s main objectives are to eradicate polio, provide clean water, and improve literacy. Rotary is simply an opportunity to build friendships, serve the community and improve the world.
Rotary was the world?s first service club founded in 1905 by a Chicago attorney, Paul Harris.
The Rotary name was derived from the early practice of rotating meetings among the member?s various places of business. Within its first year, this Rotary club had 30 members. Today there are 1.2 million members in 32,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas.
Making a difference?
? Rotary Readers: Students at Jefferson Elementary School in 1st - 3rd grade read with a Rotarian for an hour once a week.
? S.T.R.I.V.E. (Students Taking Renewed Interest Valuing Education): A program designed to help students in improve the GPA.
? S.T.A.Y. (Students Together Assisting Youth): Peer-to-peer tutoring done at Faribault High School, Faribault Middle School and Bethlehem Academy
? S.T.R.I.V.E./S.T.A.Y. and Honors Banquets: Banquets held in the spring for the STRIVE, STAY and Honors students.
? Soccer: We sponsor the youth soccer fields and the t-shirts for the Little Feat soccer program.
? Respect Retreat: A retreat put on for ninth graders teaching them respect for themselves and for others.
? Youth Exchange Program: A program allowing area students to study abroad and local families to host international students.